
Dr. Kumar Venkatesan Contact Number Address And Full Profile

Dr. Kumar Venkatesan Contact Number Address And Full Profile
Dr. Kumar Venkatesan
M.S. FICS, FISDS, FASDS, (Paediatric) 
Pediatrician in Madurai

Dr. Kumar Venkatesan is trusted and praised paediatric surgeon with more 25 years experience. He is visiting consultant with several leading hospitals and charity institutions. Dr. Kumar has done more than 7000 surgeries on babies.
He has published numerous articles in various scientific journals on interesting cases and has presented more than 25 papers in National, International and Asian congress of paediatric surgery. During his tenure in Government Rajaji hospital, Madurai, he has taken classes for undergraduates and post graduates and has been the invited faculty for lectures in many IMA (Indian Medical Association) branches and IAP (Indian Academy of paediatrics).

Specialities : 
• Paediatric Surgery
• Dermatologic Surgery

Special Achievements in India and Abroad : 
✓ He has presented 3 cases of double urethra in Asian Congress of Paediatric Surgery in 1986 and It was adjudged as one of the Best Paper.
✓ He has presented a paper on 100 cases of ulnar nerve decompression for claw hand in Leprosy in 1989 at the annual conference of Japanese dermatology society at Tokyo, Japan.
✓ He is a regular speaker in AIR and has given many interviews in various media channels like Doordarshan, Sun TV, Jaya TV and Vaigai TV on Surgery in Children.
✓ He has operated on rare case of FOETUS IN FOETO (Baby within a baby) This case was in Media and Newspapers.
✓ Operated on a 2 Days old baby with TEF (Tracheo Oesophageal fistula) with multiple anomalies producing good results.

Memberships :
Fellow of International College of Surgeons
Fellow of International Society of Dermatologic Surgery
Fellow of American Society of Dermatologic Surgery

Contact Details :
Dr. Kumar Venkatesan 
Pediatrician in Madurai
Karthik Hospital
147, 4th North Cross Street, Near Cinepriya Multiplex, Anna Nagar, Madurai
Contact : 04522533852