Madurai Doctors List మధురై వైద్యుల జాబితా

Madurai Doctors List మధురై వైద్యుల జాబితా
Here is disease wise full List of All Doctors in various areas of Madurai..

1. Out Patient Treatment
17 dispensary, 17 Urban Health Posts and 16 Maternity Home / Centre are functioning. Every year about 4,50,000 patients, 4,03,000 patients, 3,31,000 patients be treated in the Dispensaries, Urban Health Posts and Maternity Homes respectively. The daily average of these centers are 1250,1120,and 920 respectively

2. Natal Care Services in Maternity Homes:
Every year about 4950 cases admitted for delivery conduction in the Corporation Maternity Homes and 4600 deliveries have been conducted on an average 380 deliveries have been conducted every month

3. Ultra Sound Scan Performance:
Ultra Sound Scan facilities have established in three Maternity Home namely "Muthu saratha Centre, Sellur Maternity Home and EOC. Every year about 15300 Ante Natal mothers were examined and monthly 1270 cases are being examined through these Corporation Centres.

4. Family Welfare Programme:
In Madurai Corporation Family Welfare Operation is carried out in two Maternity Homes, namely Rayalu Iyer Maternity Home and E.O.C. Every year about 800 sterilization operations are being done in the Corporation Centres.

5.Immunization Performance:
Under the Mother & Child Care programme every year 25,000 Ante Natal Mothers, 22,500 under one-year children immunized. 22800 children immunized by D.T., T.T. Under the Blindness control programme every year about 1,00,000 under children are being administered by vitamin " A " solution

6. Malaria Control Programme:
40500 Blood Smear have been collected and examined. Among the collected smears only 18 positive cases identified and treated during 2005. All the cases are imported cases. One Malaria Lab is functioning at West Gate Dispensary.

7. School Children Health Camp Programme :
The Corporation Medical Team is visiting every year 10 primary, 10 middle, 10 high and 18 higher secondary schools. The students have been examined at the respective schools by the Medical Team.
8. Adolescent Girls Aneamia Control Programme :
Every week 72,000 adolescent girls are receiving FST (L) tablets under Adolescent Girls Aneamia Control Programme.

9. Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme :
There are five Treatment Units ( T.U) functioning in this district. Among the five Units two units are located within the Corporation Area,namely Gnanaolipuram, and Draviayampillai Mat.Home .Totally 14 Microscopic Centres are functioning in the selected UHP,Mat.Homes, Dispensary and ESI hospital. Every year about 2100 cases identified and treated. The Urban programme managed by the Medical Team which consists of Two Medical Officers, Four Supervisors, Ten Lab.Technician and Two Health Visitors. The NGOs like FORD, TREE, SWEED have also participated in both Drug provider and case referral services in the Corporation Area.

10. National Blindness control Programme :
School students are periodically examined by the Eye Medical Team and free spectacles are being issued by the District Blindness Control Society.

11. Intergrated Counseling and Testing Centres :
There are five ICTC-centres functioning in Sellur Mat.Home, Rayalu Iyer Mat.Home, UHP Pudur and West Gate dispensary. Each centre is having one Councilor and one Lab.Technician. These centres established in Urban poor slum and Lobour area.Blood tests and counseling are provided on free of cost.